

Ensuring good care of our parish funds

Please also contact us if you are a tax-payer and would like to Gift-Aid regular or occasional donations to the parish; also if you would like to donate regularly by standing order (which you can do even if you are not a taxpayer).

Members of the parish Finance Committee are appointed personally by the Parish Priest, from among members of the parish who have financial expertise. Its meetings are chaired by David John and the Secretary is Joan George. Ordinary Meetings are held at 7.45 p.m. on the second Thursdays of December, March (to review salaries) and May (to receive annual accounts).


The parish is not a separate entity as far as finance is concerned: rather it is answerable to the Archdiocese of Cardiff. The Archdiocese (and therefore the parish) is a registered charity. The parish has a duty to raise enough money not only to meet the current and future expenses of the parish itself, but also to contribute to the administration costs of the Archdiocese.

The Finance Committee is responsible for overseeing the accounts of the parish, reviewing rates of pay for parish employees and considering whether we are using the parish’s resources responsibly. Members monitor the budget and parish income and are responsible for launching appeals to cover unusual or extraordinary expenses (such as when the central heating boiler is condemned by inspectors!) More information on the ways in which we raise money can be found on other pages of the website. The parish accounts are sent to the Archdiocese quarterly and annually, and a summary is published in the newsletter. In addition, the Parish Priest, Deacon and parishioners are given regular reports on the financial situation of the parish. For more information, contact the parish book-keeper, Eunice Eng, via the email contact form at the bottom of the page.

Each year we run a Parish Finance Sponsorship Programme, through which we invite parishioners to sponsor everyday items of expenditure such as hosts, altar wine, flowers etc. We break the previous year’s expenditure down into monthly amounts so a donor can sponsor one month, six months or a whole year. We have made on average £5k a year (and £10k some years!) - because most of the donations are gift aided this generates another £1k. If you would like further information please contact Eunice, as above.

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